Gift Certificate to a Spa in Tenino. Kim is always ready to do what needs to be done with a happy, very positive attitude. She frequently knows what needs to be done without being asked. She has come up with creative themes for many of our club events.
Horseman of the Year - Bob Bacon
Inspirational Award - Dick and Vicki Booth
Gift Certificate to the Lemon Grass Restaurant. This enthusiastic new couple have jumped right in and contributed in many ways to our club. They love to cook and have served us delicious meals, opened their home to all their friends, obtained speakers for meetings (e.g. Therapeutic Riding) and taught at Happy Trails
Grey cowboy hat and a leather and concho hat band. Bob is always on the trails surrounded by lots of friends. He's eager to introduce us to new trails and scouts out new adventures for the future. He spent many hours clearing trails this year after the ice storm. All this and he is very entertaining.