  From Injury to Function  



Who Am I?


Client Transformations

Sprehn Athletics Merch



My mission with Sprehn Athletics is to take clients with injuries and restore them to greater function. 


Services I provide:

  • Identifying and correcting muscle imbalances 
    • Most common I help clients with are hip issues and knee ailments.
  • Creating and coaching clients with workouts for clients who have physical limitations
  • Helping clients lose weight through hard work and proper nutrition aka NO SHORTCUTS here. 


Common Ailments I help Clients Correct: 

1.     Pre and Post Hip Replacement

2.     Hip Pain

3.     Under active hamstrings due to an anterior tilted pelvis

4.     Low back pain

1.     L4, L5 to S1 issues most common 

5.     Knee tears 

1.     MCL and ACL specifically

6.     Shoulder Pain

1.     Impingement (most common diagnosis of all shoulder ailments)


Fitness and Weight Loss Services

1.     Online coaching that I provide using the TrueCoach App that allows the user daily fitness routines.

2.     Weekly video conferences 

3.     Nutrition guidance to accentuate weight loss, weight gain for muscle mass or nutrition for performance.


For more information and to sign up for Sprehn Athletics, please fill out my questionnaire and if you are a good fit where I feel I can help you, I will contact you right away to get started!


For those like me, I want to know cost. So to be transparent I show price from the beginning and it never changes. 


Basic membership = $100 per month.

Advanced membership = $125 per month.

All Access membership = $150 per month


All memberships receive the same online coaching regardless of service provided. So a weight loss client, a CrossFit client or an injured client will all receive the daily workout and guidance. The only differences between memberships are the amount of video conferences. A basic membership comes with 1 initial 1 hour video conference and none thereafter. Advanced membership receives the initial 1 hour video conference and then bi-weekly 1 hour video conference. All access is 1 hour video conference weekly. 


All memberships also receive nutrition coaching to those who need and are open to it. 


Click me to apply for Sprehn Athletics Membership